How to use wordpress multisite to create a web design agency ?

WordPress is a content management system that offers several features for building a website. Among its features is the ability to create a multisite. Simple, customizable, and scalable, this tool can create any website for a business, shop, or web design agency.

What is WordPress multisite?

WordPress multisite functionality is a network of several sites, managed from a single interface although each site retains its autonomy. Its particularity is that it is managed by the main administrator responsible for the management of the sites, themes and plugins that it makes available to individual websites.

What are the advantages of WordPress multisite?

Apart from centralized control, WordPress multisite has other advantages:

Time saving

Setting up a multisite WordPress relies on a single WordPress installation, with management performed from a unified interface. With WordPress multisite, the main administrator controls all users from a single interface and has extensive control over themes and plugins, of which only he can modify. Site updates are done once from the same interface to be applied to other sites.

Money saving

Hosting a multisite is less expensive than hosting multiple sites which require multiple hostings unlike a site network which uses only one. So you can create a multitude of sites on a single installation without spending a dime. Using the same themes and plugins reduces storage space, and since updates are done on a single file system for all sites, the cost of maintenance will be reduced.

How to use WordPress multisite to create a design website?

To create a site with WordPress multisite, install WordPress at the root of your hosting, by uploading it to the site. Once WordPress is installed, allow the multisite option by editing the file: wp-config.php.

Then, just before “require” or “include”, add define (‘wp_allow_miltisite’, true). Refresh your browser to create your network. Go to “tool” to configure the network. On the configuration screen, you have the choice between a subdomain and a subfolder.

If you choose the option with a subdomain, you need to make some settings with your host. You must activate multi-domain, a mandatory option. On the administration interface, click on “My sites> Network admin> Sites. “For the creation of a new site, then click on” Add “. Then enter the information you will be asked for, such as: the address and name of the site, language, address and email address of the administrator.

If, on the other hand, you choose the option with a sub-folder, you have the possibility of creating a site with new associated users. Here each subsite can have its personal administrator and the super administrator can choose the theme and configure the plugins.

Once you have made your choice, launch the installation of the multisite network and follow the configuration instructions which will be communicated to you in the wp.config.php files. and htaccess. Once the changes are made, log in to be identified as the site network administrator. An option at the top left of your screen allows you to access the site administration interface and add the sites you want.

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